Austin, Texas

Patricia Crystal Garcia was arrested on 7/11/2019 for possession of 116 grams of Methamphetamine, Black Tar Heroin, variety of pills, and some Marijuana. She was transported to the Travis County Jail and released on Personal Bond 5 days later.

Patricia has a record with Travis and Williamson Counties, and was recently paroled from the Texas Department of Corrections Huntsville until 2021. Before the Parole Warrant was active, Patricia was released on Personal Bonds, and back out on the streets doing the same thing she was doing. Despite having a Blue Warrant (parole), her personal bonds stayed in place for 4 MONTHS! Patricia was rearrested on 11/1/2019 for more felony drug charges and the Blue Warrant.

Why would a Judge release this obvious drug dealer, that was just released from prison (for being a drug dealer), and on parole, on a free personal bond?  

Shouldn’t our criminal justice system hold drug dealers and repeat law breakers accountable?

According to the Travis County budget, the County is spending millions of dollars , a total of 7.5 million budget this year to let criminals go at the taxpayers expense creating public safety issues and sending a message.

You can see all the documents by clicking here and here.

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